
Dr. J. Craig Baumgartner, D.D.S.,M.S.,Ph.D.

Oregon Health & Science Univer

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Oregon Health & Science Univer
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  1. Craig Baumgartner BS, DDS, MS, PhD, received a BS in Pharmacy from the University of Wisconsin, a DDS from the University of Minnesota, an MS in Oral Biology from George Washington University and a PhD in Microbiology/Immunology from the University of Maryland. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Endodontics and is Past President and Director of the American Board of Endodontics.  He previously was Chief of Microbiology and Director - Advanced Education Program in Endodontics at the United States Army Institute of Dental Research, Walter Reed Army Medical Center. He retired as a Colonel from the US Army after 20 years of service. He was Chairman of the Department of Endodontology and Director - Advanced Education Programs in Endodontics for 18 years and is currently Professor Emeritus, Oregon Health & Science University. Dr. Baumgartner’s main research focus was the microorganisms associated with infections of endodontic origin. He published over 100 articles and nine chapters for textbooks. He was co-editor of the 6th Edition of Ingle's Endodontics and on the editorial board of the Journal of Endodontics. He was honored with the prestigious Louis I. Grossman Award for cumulative publication of significant research studies by the American Association of Endodontists at their Annual Meeting in 2010. His current e-mail address is: