Each month an active member of our AAE Connection Community will be highlighted.
Say hello to Dr. @Paul Jones
Educational Consultant at the Central Regional Dental Testing Service, Topeka, KSm currently working as a general dentist in Estonia, with a strong focus on endodontic treatments.
Career Highlights:
- Univ of Kansas School of Pharmacy, 1966-70
- UMKC Dental School 1970-74 DDS
- Private Practice GP Lawrence KS 1974-76
- Univ Neb Lincoln Grad Endo 1976-78 MS
- Private Practice limited to Endo Kansas City 1978-2013
- Wrote a memoir about taking a year off mid-practice living on a sailboat in the Caribbean with my family
Why Endodontics:
After a year as a GP, I realized I needed to learn a lot more about all phases of dentistry but liked endo best and felt I did a good job. I had a great professor in dental school, Dr. Sam Iannazo.
Best Piece of Career Advice:
Be a constant student of dentistry, human relationships, and self-improvement. You can never know too much.
Endo Challenge:
Selling my practice, hired Radman and associates
Reason for Becoming an AAE member:
I joined the AAE in 1976 as a GP because I wanted to learn more about Endo. I was the 899th member.
Fun Fact:
I lived aboard a 45’ sailboat with my family for a year mid-career, sailing from Florida to Trinidad and back visiting most of the islands in between.
Community Question:
What career opportunities are there for a 76-year-old retired endodontist in a non-clinical setting?
If you have a member you would like to recommend, please email your submission to communityadmin@aae.org